高动态伺服放大器 - 用于汽车工程中的伺服电机驱动式拧紧
为了满足客户的需求,Sibmaya 开发出了具有两种功率等级和两种安装解决方案的国际通用伺服驱动器。
Client requirements:
On behalf of a client SIEB & MEYER has developed a servo amplifier for global use. The device comes with two power ranges and two installation concepts.
Client requirements:
The goal of the development was a cost-optimized device. To achieve this, a system was developed that does not require an additional control card. The servo drive should be designed as the central component in two different versions..
Since the client supplies the global market, the required system must support the worldwide varying mains conditions. This requirement applies especially for the US market which is strategically important for the client.
The servo amplifier should operate servo motors with speeds up to 40,000 rpm. Due to the application the motor as well as the servo drive require a high overload capacity – the construction volume, however, should remain compact. The client uses motors with various power and voltage and expectsoptimally adapted drives for these conditions.
The process data – such as the torque and the rotation angle – should be transmitted via the motor cable. For this purpose the servo drive should provide specific sensor interfaces.
The customized solution by SIEB & MEYER:
SIEB & MEYER assisted the client from the design phase to serial production. In cooperation the partners developed a customized system solution.
The customized development is based on a standard drive. There are four different device variants based on only one PCB layout with different assembly options, which makes the greatest number of common parts possible.
Together the companies developed the hardware and software interface. The design of hard- and software allows the customer to independently program his application software
In order to comply with the special requirements of the US market an NRTL certification was carried out.
The most important details in short:
- two power ranges with two different installation concepts each
- supply voltage: 1 x 230 or 3 x 400 VAC, 50/60 Hz
- max. rated current/peak current (5 s): 10/60 Arms
- NRTL certified